Philanthropy and the work of the nonprofit sector are always important, but even more so as the needs of our community rise. The number of Iowans seeking assistance from area nonprofits is far higher now than in usual times due to unemployment and economic instability inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic. Despite these many challenges and changes, area philanthropists and nonprofits have not missed a beat. Call it determination or call it survival mode, leaders have stepped up to find ways to serve. Pillars of Philanthropy shares these stories. Business Record and dsm magazine thank you for the work you do to help every member of our community get the resources they need.

Read the publication

Pillars of Philanthropy is an annual publication produced by the Business Record and dsm magazine that shares stories of the challenges, issues and people of the nonprofit community, and highlights the nonprofit organizations that support our community.

AFP Philanthropy Awards

The Central Iowa Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Philanthropy Awards celebrate the power of philanthropy and those who make it happen – the donors, volunteers, community leaders, connectors and storytellers who commit their time, energy and immense talents to improve the lives of others.

Nonprofit profiles

In this special advertising section we help to elevate the awareness of what these vital organization’s programs provide within our community on a daily basis.

Tell your nonprofit or foundation's story

Whether you represent a nonprofit or a foundation, we invite you to share your organization's journey in the next Pillars of Philanthropy publication and the dsm Wish List section.

Every year, we share stories of nonprofit leaders and organizations who made an impact in our community. Through these publications, we provide insights into the work accomplished by nonprofits and foundations. We encourage our audience to generously support the organizations that enrich our community.