Our Impact
11,356 lives were saved at the ARL in 2023.
8,689 animals found their forever homes in 2022.
114% Increase in horses needing help at our Second Chance Ranch.
Protect the welfare of animals, preserve the human-animal bond and prevent the overpopulation of companion animals.
Key Services Provided
The ARL serves people and pets from across the state of Iowa through its programs, which include animal welfare, pet adoption, resource education, pet behavior training, spay/neuter and much more. The Animal Rescue League is dependent on individual and corporate contributions to care for its animals.
Key Audiences Served
For nearly 100 years, the ARL has served vulnerable animals in need of rescue and rehabilitation, pet owners seeking support, adopters and the broader community through education, outreach and cruelty prevention. Our mission benefits both animals and the people who care for them.
Ways to give
Become a Loyal Friend: Provide a secure future for pets in need by joining our Loyal Friendly Club at ARL-Iowa.org/LoyalFriends.
Volunteer: Choose to change the world for homeless pets by volunteering with the ARL.
Adopt: Provide a forever home for one of the 10,000-plus animals who come through our doors each year.
Foster: Provide a temporary home for pets who need special attention or a break from the shelter.
Donate: Make a difference for local pets in need by donating online at ARL-Iowa.org/Donate.
What are the most immediate needs to support your organization?
The ARL’s rescue operations save hundreds of animals each year. With calls for assistance not slowing, there is a need to create a dedicated space for animals rescued from cruelty, abuse and neglect. We are launching a capital campaign, Transforming the Future of Animal Rescue, to move our barn program to a larger 21-plus acre facility and convert our current barn into a rescue intake and rehabilitation center. This transformation will offer rescued animals a safe space for recovery. Join us on this journey to help meet the growing demand and ensure the ARL continues its lifesaving work for years to come.
President - Carol Griglione
Vice president - Chad Rasmussen
Treasurer - Mark Zimmerman
Secretary - Bernard Lettington
Phil Akason
Chris Costa
Alex Duong
Rajee Harris
Charlie Nichols
Lauren McAnelly
Adam Shaikh
Kathleen Worth
Scott Christensen
Jeff Coller