Our Impact
students served in classroom programs and post-graduation transition services across the state.
school districts.
To empower Iowa’s youth to succeed, thrive and become future-ready leaders.
To ensure a future Iowa where youths are resilient and well-prepared with skills, purpose, and opportunities..
Key Audiences Served
Career education: work- and project-based learning, self-assessments, job shadowing, training, tours and more
Career readiness and employability skills: soft-skills development, resilience building and professionalism
Employer engagement
Civic service
Tailored guidance: customized support and pathways based on individual goals
Post-graduation transition services: guidance for navigating life after high school
Integrated support: aid in supporting key benchmarks such as attendance, engagement, career exploration, employability skills and post-graduation transitions
State-supported career development programming
Dual enrollment options: opportunities for students to enroll in postsecondary institutions while attending high school
Individual development plans (IDPs): customized plans and guidance to support student strengths and needs
Work-based learning programming: partnerships with employers to integrate learning with work experiences
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programming: partnerships that contribute to social and community well-being
Employee engagement: opportunities for employees to participate in volunteerism and mentoring
Hiring solutions: strategies and support for recruiting and hiring well-rounded talent
Talent pipeline development: services aimed at developing a skilled workforce through employer engagement
Economic development: drive to local jobs, promoting workforce development and economic prosperity
Civic-minded adults: encouragement of community involvement and volunteerism
Local volunteers: collaborative community service opportunities with support from community members
Ways to Give
Corporate giving and sponsorship opportunities
Grant-gifting programs
Individual giving - learn about various ways to support iJAG’s 25th anniversary by visiting iJAG.org/donate25
What are the most immediate needs to support your organization?
If you or your organization are committed to the lifelong success of young people the future, the growth of your company or industry and fostering positive change in our communities, iJAG is the right investment for your dollars or time.
Board of Directors
Chairperson - Sarah Richardson, owner of Barker Apartments
Vice chairperson - Dustin Blythe, AT&T
Past Chair - Jon Couture, Principal
Board Secretary - Ondrea Mysak, iJAG
Board Treasurer - Jordan Guske, Deloitte
President/CEO - Wendy Mihm-Herold, iJAG
Alliant Energy
Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Availa Bank
Citizen Action Program for United
Auto Workers (UAW), Local 94
Collins Aerospace
Hy-Vee Inc.
John Deere
MidAmerican Energy Co.
Union Pacific
Wellmark Foundation
Iowa legislators: Sens. Chris
Cournoyer and Bill Dotzler, and
Rep. Tom Moore
State of Iowa: Department of
Education, Economic Development Authority and Workforce Development