Our Impact
MORE than $8.8M
raised in fiscal year 2024
MORE than 3,200
gifts received in fiscal year 2024
MORE than $5.9M
distributed in fiscal year 2024
MercyOne Des Moines Foundation secures funding for MercyOne to serve with fidelity to the Gospel as a compassionate, healing ministry of Jesus Christ to transform the health of our communities.
Key Services Provided
Since 1973, MercyOne Des Moines Foundation has raised more than $185 million from generous donors to meet community health needs. Our purpose is to secure vital funding that ensures equal health care access, clinical excellence and high-quality care for all in Central Iowa.
Key Audiences Served
Gifts to MercyOne Des Moines Foundation serve our community’s most urgent health needs with high-quality care through MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center, MercyOne West Des Moines Medical Center, MercyOne Children’s Hospital, MercyOne Iowa Heart Center, MercyOne Richard Deming Cancer Center, MercyOne Ruan Neurology Care, Mercy College of Health Sciences, MercyOne House of Mercy, MercyOne Central Iowa Clinics and more.
Ways to Give
Make a gift by visiting giving.mercyone.org/desmoines/give.
Provide a sponsorship or purchase tickets to our annual MercyOne House of Mercy Game Show Gala.
Establish a legacy gift through your will, trust or other planned gift.
Honor a loved one with a tribute gift to support health care.
What are the most immediate needs to support your organization?
Mercy College of Health Sciences is a recognized leader in transforming students into health care professionals who live out and extend a ministry of healing. As the need for qualified and compassionate health care workers grows, the value in providing educational support for Mercy College students becomes even more apparent. Mercy College has developed innovative programs, expanded clinical outreach and cultivated a thriving educational environment. Scholarships at Mercy College help its diverse community of students flourish to become future leaders in the health care workforce of Iowa. Join us in building a healthier future by investing in health care education at Mercy College of Health Sciences..
Dr. Aneesa Afroze, MD
Kelly Bucher
David Chapman
Josh Cook
Susan Fitzsimmons
Erin Kuhl
Dennis Menken
Dr. Jason Meyers, MD
Dr. Cary Murphy, MD
Marc Scantlin
Linda Semon
Martin Walsh IV
Shannon Cofield, ex-officio
Vanessa Freitag, ex-officio