Our Impact
Dogs in training at any given time.
veteran/dog teams graduate annually.
Dog/veteran teams placed since 2014.
We are dedicated to helping military veterans through the assistance of well-bred, socialized and professionally trained service dogs.
Key Services Provided
We provide service dogs that assist veterans with injuries tied to PTSD and mobility.
Key Audiences Served
We serve veterans throughout the Midwest from all branches of the military.
Ways to give
Donations can be made online at puppyjakefoundation.org, Venmo and PayPal.
Our service dogs in training are raised by volunteers from Central Iowa. To learn more, visit our website.
Not able to foster? We need puppy sitters, backup handlers and ambassadors.
To learn more about Puppy Jake, we have staff and volunteers ready to speak at your employee events.
We have event sponsorships available.
What are the most immediate needs to support your organization?
We gratefully welcome financial donations to sustain our robust human services programming, which helps eliminate poverty, build self-reliance and develop healthy families. We encourage investing in our mission through planned giving by including Oakridge Neighborhood in your will or trust, using your employer’s matching gift program, sponsoring an event through your business or organization or donating personally throughout the year. Contact Kristin Littlejohn, Vice President - Development, at klittlejohn@oakridgeneighborhood.org or call 515-244-7702.
Board president - Jeff Link,
Link Strategies
CEO - Lisa Russell
Dr. Michelle Heyer, Animal Care
Clinic West & Metro Cat Hospital
Matthew Mitchell, Baton Global
Jannay Towne, WHO-TV
Kevin Wosmansky, Iowa Digital