Our Impact
Increase in farmers’ yields after training & input loans from Self-Help.
women received loans to start-up or expand their businesses in 2023.
people have gained access to clean water since 2012.
Self-Help International’s (SHI) mission is to alleviatehunger by helping people help themselves.
Key Services Provided
Ensuring access to knowledge as well as the resources to put their knowledge into action through:
Empowering women and girls: micro-loans, business
trainings, and after school literacy support
Teaching rural farmers: agricultural trainings to
increase yields and income
Improving health and nutrition: clean water and sanitation, school feeding, and maternal-child
nutrition support
Key Audiences Served
Self-Help International is proud to be an Iowa-based international development organization founded in Waverly, IA and dedicated to alleviating hunger since 1959. SHl’s locally hired team of skilled professionals serve rural communities in Ghana, West Africa and Nicaragua, Central America, to improve the population’s quality of life with dignity.
Ways to Give
Donate: Go to www.selfhelpinternational.org/donate or call 319-352-4040
Attend: Lunch to Empower Global Women on Dec 4th at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Center
Volunteer: Join our dedicated group of volunteers
Follow us: @SelfHelpIntl
What are the most immediate needs to support your organization?
Our team is witnessing the profound impact of climate change, inflation and rising food costs on the communities we serve in Ghana and Nicaragua. To sustain our efforts and continue making a meaningful impact, we rely on the support of our donors to raise awareness and secure essential funding for our programs in these partner communities. We invite individuals and businesses who are passionate about making a difference to join us by sponsoring an event, making a donation or volunteering their time. Together, we can create lasting change.
President - Keith Swanson
Vice President - Richard Neal, Ph. D
Treasurer - Deb Giarusso
Secretary - Barbara Hatinger
William Edwards, Ph.D.
Will Erken
Patricia Martin
Dorothy Masinde, Ph.D.
Doris Montgomery
Mary Jane Oakland, Ph.D.
Julie Pennington
Jerry Perkins
Carol Richardson Smith
Nick Taiber