Our Impact
Nearly 10,000
individuals served by WesleyLife.
donated to help older adults and military veterans in our community over the last 30 years.
Number of meals delivered annually through WesleyLife Meals on Wheels.
Guided by Christian compassion, WesleyLife Foundation provides the needed resources to impact the health and well-being of older adults, wherever they call home.
Key Programs Funded
100 percent of donations provide vital funding for older adults in our community including lifesaving meal support, hospice care, nursing care, shelter for those who can no longer afford it, military veterans, adult day and the team members who serve older adults.
Key Audiences Served
As the Midwest’s largest and most comprehensive non-profit provider of health and well-being services for older adults, WesleyLife believes everyone should have the opportunity to live a life of continued growth, experience, engagement, and meaning — and to pursue joy, regardless of physical, social, or economic circumstances. WesleyLife Foundation serves the most vulnerable older adults and veterans in our community – many of whom are living in poverty, are food insecure, experience a physical or mental disability and are socially isolated.
Ways to Give
To provide life-changing and saving impact, please visit wesleylife.org/foundation.
What are the most immediate needs to support your organization?
A hundred percent of donations provide vital funding for older adults in our community, including lifesaving meal support, hospice care, nursing care, shelter for those who can no longer afford it, military veterans, adult day and the team members who serve older adults.
Board of Directors
Chair - Travis Simpson
Vice-chair - Nathaniel Doddridge
Suzie Glazer Burt
Scott Harrington
Rob Kretzinger
Christine Long
Gayle Poortinga
Chad Rasmussen
Lois Vermeer